Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday Short: Wicked and Food!

Though life is still busy as always, it feels like these last few weeks have had a sense of normalcy to them. It may be because we aren't running as far (not because we aren't supposed to be, or don't want to, but because we can't. Injury issues. We'll see how the Eugene half goes), but regardless of why, it feels good.

I haven't got much to report, but I'll go through some highlights. Last week we were able to help two of our friends move and then watch one of them, and two of his friends, in a sprint triathlon the next morning. Those athletes are impressive. I don't know if we'll ever do a tri, but I'd like to at least be able to do each of the sports in a triathlon competently all at the same time.

On Tuesday of this week we discovered a new restaurant, which prompted me to make a list of everywhere we haven't eaten, but have meant to. We tend to go back to the known places, even though our spirits are more adventurous than that. This place is a Vietnamese Sandwich shop, which is quite tasty. I had a ginger beef sandwich and Joe had BBQ pork. We also split a bao. It was all delicious.

On Friday Joe took me to Wicked. The show was excellent, the company fabulous, and the dinner was tasty (though a bit hurried thanks to restaurant foible). It was so nice to get to go out out and get dressed up.

Yesterday we had an early Mother's day with my mom. She came over early and helped me with some alterations. We made her chocolate cherry cupcakes, asparagus, baked beans, salad, and chicken. Just how we made those things you will learn soon enough, but it really was quite tasty and nice to hang out with my mom.

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