Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friends from Alaska

When friends that you haven't yet been able to host, call spontaneously and ask what you're doing in a weekend, the answer, for us anyway, is yes. While recovering from a nasty MLK-weekend bug Kerry and I got that phone call and decided that we needed to make a full recovery.

Though Kyle and Abbey live in Alaska, Kyle had a project in San Diego that he was managing. Since they had not yet visited us in Oregon, and since he would be flying through Portland, Kyle and Abbey decided that Abbey would fly down and Kyle would extend his stop in Portland from a few hours to a few days.

We had a great weekend of cards, wine tasting, watching football, eating amazing food, and just lounging about the house enjoying each others' company. We also had the good fortune of celebrating Kyle's birthday while they were here. Here are some photos from their visit:

The four of us post-dinner.

Joe and Kyle looking suave-like:

Kerry and Abbey looking beautiful at King Estate Winery, just south of Eugene.

Our little Town:


Leah said...

so glad you are posting more often! I love seeing what you two are up to!!

Lauren @ Sassy Molassy said...

Oh I love King Estate! Such beautiful views out there.